Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Regular Posts To Returm 2/21/08, Hold My Hair Back Please!!

Sorry, I've been illin...scheduled to return to normal postitronics 2/21/08. I was going to post a picture but after seeing what was available I realized I couldn't do that to BAG subscribers. Feel free to go to though if you want to see what I was up against. I came to the realization that puking wasn't really all that pretty. Who knew?!!

But, I can draw puking.. and that's kinda tame. Hee hee my beeyatches!


katie said...

Feel better BAG! We missed you today, but your voicemail was highly entertaining!

kp said...

I wish I had action shots of myself puking.

Bad Advise Guy said...

make sure you try out your flux capacitor and read last Friday's post 2/15 and work your way up.

Also, did you guys check out