Saturday, February 23, 2008

You ever have your air bag go off for no reason?

Yea, me too. What the hell? I mean I was justing sitting at a light and tapped the dude in front of me and the next thing I know I'm seeing stars and taking a bite out of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man and it ain't sweet. Take it from me Johnson, remove that thing ASAP cause it ain't worth the $1500 bucks it costs to shove it back into the steering wheel. Why does it cost that much? It's just a bag. Now that's one bag, BAG don't approve of. This has got me so mad that I am so going to beat the crap out of some Peeps come Easter.

Um..and on a side note. You can buy sugar free Marshmallows on Ebay from the UK. Make sure you pick some up. The shipping costs alone make it worth it.

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