Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Do Objects?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Oscar, Oscar, Oscar!!!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Do you hop for IHOP?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Waffle House!!!!!
Do you get sad and/or angry every time you see a Waffle House, knowing that building itself is not made out of real waffles? Me too, happens all the time. Just one day I'd love to be able to walk into a Waffle House and when the waitress comes over to take my order I can say, no thanks, I'm just gonna take a couple bites from the wall over there and I'll be cool. Can I get a cup of coffee though? And she'll say, good choice. The wall waffles are the best and the freshest because we replace them everyday. However, If you like fat ass, then I suggest a couple bites from the booths.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Poetic License Suspended??
Monday, March 17, 2008
Poetic License Revoked?
You ever have your poetic license revoked or suspended? Me too, it happens all the time. But I've got a guy on the inside that hooks me up. His name is Carrot Top. Great thing about a poetic license is that you don't need a photo fact, no one really issues them. Which is why it's so confusing to me that I get mine suspended so often. If no one is issuing them, then who is suspending and revoking? That's what we will explore over the next couple days. Well, we will if I stay off my meds. So, you are all in luck. The Lithium is hiding in room 208 down the hall. Hopefully the orderlies won't find it. I've got my straight jacket firmly pressed and I've convinced my doctor to replace all the lights in my room with black lights. Enjoy mates! And stay tuned.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Do you burn microwave popcorn just because you love the smell?
Do you burn microwave popcorn just because you love the smell?
Me too! I burn it all the time. I'm burning it right now and man it's smells f-in great!! My cat's hair permanently smellz like burnt popcorn. Yummy. In fact, my most fav time to burninate the corn is around 2:08 PM every day at the office. Mmmm..burninated corn..The best way to burninate popcorn is to first, take the batteries out of all the smoke detectors in the house. If you're burninating at the office and there are sensors about, cover them with plastic ziploc bags and/or saran wrap. Make sure you use lots of tape! I prefer duct. Coincidence?!! Then, place microwave popcorn bag in microwave and set on high for 58 minutes and wait for burning. If you are using Jiffy Pop, just let it sit on the stove for like an hour. If you're a dick and you're making it the old fashioned way in a pot with oil, don't use oil, use two sticks of butter or jug of Crisco, cover and walk away..again for about an hour, two if you've got the time. If you have one of those hot air popcorn making machines that sound like a jet engine, kill yourself now, that's no way to burn popcorn you A-hole. In fact, take it into the bathroom, fill the tub up with water, sit in tub and throw the piece of sh*t in the tub with you and make sure it's plugged in. I hope this info serves you well. Enjoy mates!!
The picture here off to the left is an example of some chump's poor ass excuse for burnt popcorn. This picture clearly shows what not to do. If you consider this burnt popcorn, I, and the world will shun you. Nobody went blind, no one was gasping for clean air, no one went home smelling like BP and the place is still standing. Feel free to send me pics of your own BPE...The Burnt Popcorn Experience is your playground BAGists.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Cat Puke?
Hey gang! You ever hear your cat pukin and you get up to see what the dealio is and you don't see the actual puke but you know your cat just puked? Um, do you ever pick up a pair of sweat pants from the bedroom floor and say, toss it at your cat because you know he just puked...kinda as punishment...and well, to your surprise, you grab the sweat pants and it just so happens that your cat puked all in the sweat pants where you couldn't see it and when you grabbed and tossed them the cat puke just flew and sprayed all over the carpet as you watched the sweat pants hit the floor and your cat just kicked his or her heels and ran away. So, cat puke now littered the floor, where it was once confined to a pair of sweat pants......That ever happen to you? Yea, kinda random, I can't imagine that ever happening to anyone. Nope. Not even me. My suggestion to you if it did would be to leave the cat puke right where it is, maybe the cat will eat it when it dries and that's recycling. BAG always goes green when he can.
Glad to know that whoever owns those sweat pants found the puke when they did and didn't get a surprise the next time they decided to wear them.
Glad to know that whoever owns those sweat pants found the puke when they did and didn't get a surprise the next time they decided to wear them.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Prostitution is illegal? Someone should have told me.
Monday, March 10, 2008
You ever find yourself in your car at the bottom of a lake, river or ocean?
Me too! Happens to me all the time. First thing first, don't panic. Help is on the way. Sit back and relax, enjoy the scenery. Make sure to pop your ears frequently as you sink , you don't want your ear drums to burst and by all means, you don't want to get the bends. How embarrassing would that be?
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Has your cat ever sneezed in your face?
If you're lucky more than once. My cat sneezes in my face all the time and it's awesome. In fact, the record is 4 times in one sitting. After the first sneeze, I said to myself, "BAG, should I move my face?" And I replied, "no BAG, you don't need to move your face, what are the chances he'll sneeze again?" Sure enough, bam! He sneezed again. So I said to myself, "BAG, should I move my face?" And I replied, "no BAG, you don't need to move your face, what are the chances he'll sneeze again?" Sure enough, bam! He sneezed again. So I said to myself, "BAG, should I move my face?" And I replied, "no BAG, you don't need to move your face, what are the chances he'll sneeze again?" Sure enough, bam! He sneezed again.After the fourth sneeze, I said to myself, "BAG, should I move my face?" And I replied, "no BAG, you don't need to move your face, what are the chances he'll sneeze again?" But this time I was right. He jumped off the bed and left the room.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Life Saving Tornado Hat
Find yourself in a Tornado lately and not sure what to do? Well here's the product for you. The Life Saving Tornado Hat. Make sure you have enough for the whole family. Keep a set in the car as well. Just put on your LSTH when you find yourself in a Tornado and the negative pressure that occurs when the propeller starts to spin will destroy the Tornado. Pam from Idaho said this about her LSTH, "I put on my LSTH and I couldn't believe how fast the Tornado was destroyed. I don't want to call myself a hero, but I sure did save more than one life that day." Amanda from Dallas said, "I put the LSTH's on the kids and sent them running directly into the Tornado. 10 seconds later we were all safe as can be. I love my LSTH." Dorothy from Kansas said this, "Once the house started spinning and flying up in the air I knew I had I put on my LSTH and the pet sized one on my dog Toto. Tornado busted! There's no place like home, that's what I always say." And Alan G. from Detroit had this to say, "I pulled over under a bridge, got out of my car, grabbed my LSTH and ran directly into the Tornado. The f-in Tornado just blew up and I saved the entire city of Detroit that day." And we're all glad he did. The LSTH is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and 4 out of 5 dentists agree, that the Life Saving Tornado Hat does prevent cavities. Purchase your Life Saving Tornado Hat today.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Chicken Suit Man Wanted
Reply to:
Reply to:
Date: 2008-03-05, 8:08PM EST
Wanted 5 mornings a week a person that can stand up with a banner in a chicken suit.
please call 555- CHIK-MAN
Location: Atlanta
Compensation: $6
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Compensation: $6
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Dating Service Part The End
Yea, so the sun is coming up and I walked most of the night. But guess what happened? A big van pulled up and gave me a ride. Now me and this girl Angela are dating. Screw dating services when chicks riding in a van pick you up on the side of the highway in the middle of the night. Here's a picture. See how happy we are?!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Dating Services........Part Eight
Suddenly Marty came driving up from out of nowhere. I started to call him but that girl flipped me off and jumped in his car and they drove away. Marty was also flipping me off too and then he threw an envelope out of the window as I ran after them. I wonder who that girl was? And what's in the envelope? The envelope had my name on it, so I opened it. In it was my profile with certain things highlighted...handcuffs, long drives, Culture Club, girl behind a tree etc etc. It all made sense now. Marty was giving me a full refund because he couldn't find me a match. Cripes, my profile was too picky I guess, maybe I need to be more open about things in the future. Also enclosed was my $4,500 check written out to with refund written in red on it. He was refunding my money. That sure was nice of him..and honest since he couldn't find me a match. Not all places will do that. But who the hell was that girl? And why didn't Danielle show up.?I went back to the tree one last time but I got nothing. It was dark and starting to get cold. I guess I should start walking. It's 7:30PM now and this whole escapade started around 1:30-ish so I think I've got a long walk. Good thing today is Saturday.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Dating Services.......Part Seven
"BAG!!! You F-in idiot. I'm your date. I'm the girl behind the F-in tree you're supposed to find!! Marty was just trying to use "your" answers in "your" profile to create the perfect date. Heck, you said you loved to be blindfolded in a car and you handcuffed yourself on a regular basis. You even said your perfect date was to be ditched by a new found friend who liked to listen and sing along to Culture Club and hated Tommy Two Tones and would prefer to listen to Cult Club over the Thomson Twins on a road trip, only to be stranded on a dirt road alone out in the woods and stumble upon some hot chick behind a big tree. Is this not registering at all?"
"Um, yea, you're not at the right tree. I'm gonna have to go. I'm walking home."
"BAG, you stupid F! I'm calling Marty to pick me up.!!"
"Wait, who are you and how do you know Marty?"
"F - U BAG!! F - U"
Stay tuned for part 8.....
"Um, yea, you're not at the right tree. I'm gonna have to go. I'm walking home."
"BAG, you stupid F! I'm calling Marty to pick me up.!!"
"Wait, who are you and how do you know Marty?"
"F - U BAG!! F - U"
Stay tuned for part 8.....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Dating Services......Part Six
"Psssst! Pssssst! BAG!!! Psst! Over here. Wrong tree!"
"WTF! Who the hell is out here in the middle of nowhere and knows my name?!! Who's there?" I whispered. "Who's there?"
"It's me Danielle, you're at the wrong tree."
"Wrong tree? Marty said this tree, so it can't be the wrong tree?"
"I'm over here BAG, you're at the wrong tree!!!"
"No, Marty said this tree, I ain't moving from this tree until Danielle shows up."
"BAG! I'm Danielle and I'm telling you, you're at the wrong tree.!!"
"Prove it. How am I supposed to believe you are Danielle?"
"Who else would be out in the middle of nowhere standing behind a big tree waiting for a guy named BAG...who?!"
Stay tuned for part Seven....................And I assume at this point, none of you thought this could even make a part seven...but I did it, so enjoy ya jerks.
"WTF! Who the hell is out here in the middle of nowhere and knows my name?!! Who's there?" I whispered. "Who's there?"
"It's me Danielle, you're at the wrong tree."
"Wrong tree? Marty said this tree, so it can't be the wrong tree?"
"I'm over here BAG, you're at the wrong tree!!!"
"No, Marty said this tree, I ain't moving from this tree until Danielle shows up."
"BAG! I'm Danielle and I'm telling you, you're at the wrong tree.!!"
"Prove it. How am I supposed to believe you are Danielle?"
"Who else would be out in the middle of nowhere standing behind a big tree waiting for a guy named BAG...who?!"
Stay tuned for part Seven....................And I assume at this point, none of you thought this could even make a part seven...but I did it, so enjoy ya jerks.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Dating Services.....Part Five
Cripes! Where the hell is Danielle?! I was starting to think this wasn't a legitimate dating service. I played all the scenarios that just happened over the past several hours in my head and I couldn't think of anything out of the ordinary. It all seemed to make sense. I mean you have to be safe and take extra precautions these days because you don't want some crazy murderer dating in your dating service. So blindfolds and handcuffing I assume are standard practices. But why would Marty drive away in such haste without saying anything to me? I mean, we got along great and sang Culture Club for 3 hours straight, so it's not like he has some vendetta against me..or does he? Heck, he bought me Fanta and Twizzlers, two of my favorite things.....but wait!!!! How did he know I loved Fanta and Twizzlers? How did he know that I liked to bite both ends off the Twizzler to make a straw to drink my lemon-lime Fanta? I assumed everyone did that, but now that I'm stranded on a dirt road in the middle of the woods, I'm thinking something sinister is a foot. How did he know my very favorite things? He must have read my profile!!! That jerk. Isn't that private? In my profile I did say I hated the song Jenny (867-5309) and I did say that if I had to choose between listening to Culture Club or or The Thompson Twins on a road trip that I'd choose Culture Club....and I did say I loved long romantic drives that might end up in the mountains at a cabin in the woods on a dirt road....yea, I did say all those things. But why would he ditch me?
Stay tuned for Part Six!!!!!
Stay tuned for Part Six!!!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Dating Services....Part Four
WTF!!! That F-in bastard just drove off!!! Well, maybe Danielle knows where he's going, so I went back to the big tree and continued to call her name. Danielle! Danielle! Danielle! Where are you?!! Marty said you were behind this tree but I don't see you and he just drove away! It must have been some sort of emergency!! Danielle!! Danielle!! Where are you Danielle!!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned for Part Five.....
Stay tuned for Part Five.....
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