Monday, March 3, 2008

Dating Services......Part Six

"Psssst! Pssssst! BAG!!! Psst! Over here. Wrong tree!"
"WTF! Who the hell is out here in the middle of nowhere and knows my name?!! Who's there?" I whispered. "Who's there?"
"It's me Danielle, you're at the wrong tree."
"Wrong tree? Marty said this tree, so it can't be the wrong tree?"
"I'm over here BAG, you're at the wrong tree!!!"
"No, Marty said this tree, I ain't moving from this tree until Danielle shows up."
"BAG! I'm Danielle and I'm telling you, you're at the wrong tree.!!"
"Prove it. How am I supposed to believe you are Danielle?"
"Who else would be out in the middle of nowhere standing behind a big tree waiting for a guy named BAG...who?!"

Stay tuned for part Seven....................And I assume at this point, none of you thought this could even make a part seven...but I did it, so enjoy ya jerks.

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