Do you burn microwave popcorn just because you love the smell?
Me too! I burn it all the time. I'm burning it right now and man it's smells f-in great!! My cat's hair permanently smellz like burnt popcorn. Yummy. In fact, my most fav time to burninate the corn is around 2:08 PM every day at the office. Mmmm..burninated corn..The best way to burninate popcorn is to first, take the batteries out of all the smoke detectors in the house. If you're burninating at the office and there are sensors about, cover them with plastic ziploc bags and/or saran wrap. Make sure you use lots of tape! I prefer duct. Coincidence?!! Then, place microwave popcorn bag in microwave and set on high for 58 minutes and wait for burning. If you are using Jiffy Pop, just let it sit on the stove for like an hour. If you're a dick and you're making it the old fashioned way in a pot with oil, don't use oil, use two sticks of butter or jug of Crisco, cover and walk away..again for about an hour, two if you've got the time. If you have one of those hot air popcorn making machines that sound like a jet engine, kill yourself now, that's no way to burn popcorn you A-hole. In fact, take it into the bathroom, fill the tub up with water, sit in tub and throw the piece of sh*t in the tub with you and make sure it's plugged in. I hope this info serves you well. Enjoy mates!!

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