Keep an eye on them and follow from a distance. While you're following, put some items in your cart so it looks like you're shopping. If you're in the health & beauty section grab a bunch of condoms and Preparation H and other embarrassing purchases but keep them relatively small. You're going to need them later. Every so often pass by the person on the same isle but ignore them. Don't even make eye contact. This will make them feel like you're over it and somewhat embarrassed by your behavior. Rule #1 to BAG, you never get embarrassed by your behavior. Once you've got some real good items lay low and keep and eye on the check lanes. Read a Cosmo or something. Make sure you've instructed each cashier to ask this person if they want to save 10% on their purchase by filling out a credit app. And make sure you slip them a couple a bucks to make sure they're persistent in getting them to agree to take the extra time at check out. You're banking on this. Okay, now once you see them head towards check out, make haste and get in line right behind. Push them forward into the lane so they are in front of their own cart. Hint to the cashier that now is the time to get the credit application rolling. Make sure they call the cashier supervisor over as well. This is your distraction. Once they're all tied up with the credit application, slowly put the condoms, Herpecin, Depends, Trojans and g-string undies etc etc into their cart. Once they're done with the credit application, and they start to put all the items on the belt, starting laughing and pointing at the items. When they say the items aren't theirs, laugh even louder and point even more. At this point they'll just want to get out of the store as fast as they can. As they proceed to leave the check out lane without purchasing anything run up behind them and pants them! Then push them over and spank their a$$. This gives you time to run out into the parking lot and perform one or all of the tasks from Road Rage Part3 : Keying Cars. Who cares who sees you key that car and who cares that you've noticed that the parking spot you were waiting for is a handicapped space. I guess that's what that old lady was so easy to push over after you pantsed her.
PS. Don'y forget to go see the new Miley Cyrus concert movie! I can't wait!