1. Walk close to the car, key in one hand with point facing away from the thumb, with thumb facing closest to your body. Inch key close to car so that it touches, then walk the entire the length of the car looking straight ahead pressing as you go. This is known as "Walking The Key Mile."
2. Place key in hand like you are stabbing, lean over hood, trunk or roof of car and sweep arm across car in figure eight or circle fashion. This is know as "Scratch On, Scratch Off."
3. Place key in between middle finger and ring finger then make fist. Extend arm out and walk passed car with key pressed against surface of the car. This is known as "Giving The Bird." You may add keys in between other fingers to enhance the effect. Adding keys to this technique is known as the "Freddy Kreuger" or "The Wolverine."
These are the 3 basic techniques known to most everyone. But if you've got one I have missed, please let me know.
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