Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"PIN Numbers"

Always keep your "PIN Number" (Personal Identification Number) easily accessible. Write it on the back of your debit and/or credit card(s). Mine is 1234. You may also want to put a piece of paper or laminated index card with all your accounts, account numbers with passwords, PINs, social security number, address and mother's maiden name in your wallet just in case you lose it. While you're at it, tape another one to your dashboard by the "VIN Number" (Vehicle Identification Number) and one on the outside of your mailbox. When creating a password for an account, get creative. I use PASSWORD in all caps. And if it asks for more characters, I use PASSWORD123. In this age of identity theft, I hope these little tips will help you immensely.


kp said...

I'll have to disagree about your PIN. My PIN number is 1111, way easier to keep track of fewer different numbers. I wish I could change my social security number, because 063-87-2298 is just way too hard to remember in a pinch. And my mother's maiden name is such a pain in ass to spell - Hfstodel. Maybe I should see if she would be willing to have it changed?

Bad Advise Guy said...

KP, your PIN number is very admirable; however, it's always important to keep this type of information to yourself. You never know what type of creep is out there ready to pounce. I suggest you re-read my post "PIN Numbers" and don't hesitate to ask more questions. I'll be more than happy to assist.