You did just get flipped off didn't you! I never encourage any form of violence hear at BAG, but mister, this one calls for it. Follow the person real close flashing your lights repeatedly and don't forget to keep honking. See if you can pull up next to them and yell at them to pull over. 9 out of 10 jerks will speed up and drive on, so keep following them. Follow them all the way to their house or workplace. Keep a close eye in case this jerk called the cops. You don't want any trouble. Once you've followed them to their destination, whether it be their home or work, preferably home, get out of your car, approach the person and say "I know where you live" or "I know where you work." I've heard this approach before so I cannot take full credit, but it's my job to advise you and I'm going to do it anyway I know how. Once you've scared the bejesus out the person, take a picture of their house with your camera phone and get into your car. Once you're in your car, pretend to be writing something down. This will also increase the fear factor. Then leave, job well done. I'll come back to the 10th person who actually pulls over in Part 4. This person is known as "The Gambler."
Stay tuned for part 3. Keying Cars
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