Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Snowing!!!

Hurry, everyone leave work early, drive as fast as you can to the grocery and take some advice I got from Neal Boortz and fill your cart up with bread and milk. Statistically, bread and milk sales skyrocket at the drop of a snow flake and prices can double or even triple, so the faster you get to the store, the better chance you have to get your fair share. Make sure you buy at least 6 loafs of bread and 4 gallons of milk per person. It is a well known fact that 24 loaves of bread and 16 gallons of milk can sustain a family of 4 a minimum 8 hours. Once you're at the grocery, make sure you load up on lots of fresh fish, shrimp and lobster. Avoid all canned goods, with the exception of canned crab meat or salmon and whatever you do, do not buy any water. If you need water, save some money and just melt the snow. Soda, cake mix, bacon, microwave popcorn and fresh fruit like strawberries and raspberries are also important supplies as well as all the salad fixings. Nothing says warm and cozy like a big Caesar salad when you have no power or heat. Oh yea, don't forget to also pick up a whole watermelon and a couple pints of Ben & Jerry's. Half and quarter watermelons are also acceptable but whole melons are always preferred. You may also want to load up on eggs, mayonnaise and lunch meat from the deli. You could be without power for days so it's best to be prepared. One of my favorite emergency situation snacks is cottage cheese and cantaloupe with egg salad in a pita.

To avoid crazy long lines at the grocery, go to the fast lane. If the cashier says you have too many items, separate the items into different piles that match the minimum number of items allowed and put the customer divider sticks in between the piles and pay for each pile separate. Remember to pick up lots of firewood, even if you don't have a fireplace. Studies show that during a snow storm is the most important time to pick up snow shovels, generators, ice scrapers, kitty litter and rock salt. So everyone flock to your nearest supply or department store after you hit the grocery.

If you're car is low on gas, fill up. Common sense tells you that gas prices will skyrocket after a snow storm because you can't drill for oil in the snow. Speed limits are null and void when it snows and all stop lights, green, yellow and red all become automatic yields. On the highway, it is extremely important to tailgate, especially if it's snowing really hard. That way you can easily see the car in front of you. You'll thank me if you find yourself in white out conditions. Turn signals are strictly prohibited during a snow storm. It's distracting as the pretty yellow flashing lights reflect in the snow flakes. And continued from post "Freeze Warning" January 3, 2008 should you pass a snow plow on the left or right? Everyone knows you always pass a snow plow on the right. Never pass on the left. You could damage your car or worse, you could spin out, get stuck and die in a huge explosion.

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