1. Carry lots of cash, and flaunt it. Cash is the universal sign for wealthy. You carry a lot of cash and you'll be loved and adored in a foreign land. Make sure people know it too by paying for everybody's drinks for example. Never use a money belt. Who needs a money belt when you've got a fist full of cash? Leaving your credit cards at home is the best advice I can give for a traveler abroad.
2. Show people who you are. Always make sure everyone knows you're American. Americans are the most likable people in the world and are welcomed in every country. So wear USA somewhere on your person at all times. If you're standing in line, make sure the people in front of you of you know there's an American behind them and they'll gladly show you to the front. 20 minute wait to be seated, not if you're an American. Always keep cash in one hand and your passport in the other. Breathe, sweat and scream you are an American.
3. Speak the language. Don't know the language, well use your inner human spirit, it will come to you. Add ios, ous, olious, etc etc to the end of your words and you'll be speaking their language nearly perfect in no time. Also use hand gestures while doing so. The locals will appreciate your skills immensely. Once they see your an American, the language barrier is broken.
4. Never eat the local cuisine. Always try and find a McDonald's first.
5. And the most important tip of all, if a stranger asks you to carry a package for them, then do it. It's a great way to show you support the local culture. This applies to air travel, train and especially any border crossing. But remember, don't look in the package, you want to maintain that trust you're honoring.
These 5 tips are just a few of many, but they will get you started on your safe and happy days of traveling abroad.
This has been your most helpful post of all! My family is going to Italy in June and I'll be sure to pass this along to them. I now know that my family and I have been traveling horribly wrong for years. There I was thinking that I should hide my passport and make tons of copies of it for safety. Boy BAG, was I wrong. Thanks again for this fantastically helpful information!
J'adore le grand mac!
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